FarmIT 3000 - Medicines, Chemicals, Fertiliser, Seeds and Feeds

Farm IT Help - Medicines, Chemicals, Fertiliser, Seeds and Feeds

Medicines, Chemicals, Fertiliser, Seeds and Feeds

Whether you are organic or not, you probably purchase and use a wide range of agricultural products on your farm. You are required to record the control and use of many of them to comply not only with government legislation but with many Farm Assurance schemes. This includes the details of purchase, use, storage and disposal.

FarmIT 3000 provides a complete, auditable record for all the agricultural products you use. It maintains full details of the quantities purchased, used and quantities in stock, recording storage and disposal.

As you enter the purchase details you can also record the costs, allowing a ledger and report on profitablity to be maintained.

First of all you will need to purchase a product or record the delivery of a product.

See Purchasing

The use of your product is covered under the relevant sections relating to animal treatments, field treatments or planting.

You can also create a new Composite Feed from other products or crops you have harvested or bought. This is covered under Composite Feeds.

Finally you may wish to dispose of out of date or unused stock. This is covered in Disposal of Agricultural Products.

See also:

Record main details
Product usage
Farm applications
Composite Feeds