FarmIT 3000 - Product Information - Main Details

Farm IT Help - Product Information - Main Details

Product Information - Main Details

The main product information screen displays all the recorded information about the agricultural products you use on the farm. Here you adjust the details of the product, the quantity in stock, purchases etc, view its usage and applications on the farm and record additional notes.

The information is displayed on multiple pages known as 'tabs' select the tab by clicking the tab text.

Main Details Page:

The main display records the information relevent to all products.


The name of the agricultural product.


The type of product identifies its basic group.


This records the manufacturer of the product.

Batch Number:

The batch number provides traceability of the product. It may also be necessary should the manufacturer recall the product or subsequent events require you to identify animals which had treatment from a particular batch. This is a manditory field.


Should you purchase the same product with a identical batch number from the supplier we suggest adding your oun reference number to the batch number to identify the batch.

e.g. if you purchase a product named = ' STUFF' batch number = '100001' then purchase the same product again with the same manufacturers batch number, you may enter it into the system by modifying the batch number as follows. batch number = '100001/1'


The description field allows you to record the information, usage, or instructions you wish.

Purchase Date

The date you purchased the product or had the product delivered.

Use By Date

The use by date of the product. This date will be used to inform you of out of date stock. You may not add a product where the use by date is before the purchase date.

Qty Purchased

Specify the quantity purchased in the unit that you are going to use the product. This will ensure that the stock level of the product is maintained correctly.


Select the unit for the product. You may add units by selecting '<new>' from the drop down unit list and completing the details of the unit.


Select the supplier from the drop down list of farm suppliers or select the '<new>' option to enter the details of a new supplier.

Supplier Code

Enter a supplier code for the product if the supplier has a reference or part number for the product.


Enter the total price paid.

Invoice Number

Enter the invoice number so you may cross check your purchase later.

Storage Location

Record the storage location on the farm. You may add farm locations from the 'Farm Menu'. The storage location is important in accounting for the product and is a requirement of many farm assurance schemes in ensuring you have stored the chemicals correctly.