FarmIT 3000 - Product Information Usage

Farm IT Help - Product Information Usage

Product Information - Usage

The product usage information displayed is relevant to what the product is used for and its properties. This display is dependant on the product type e.g. Animal Medicines and chemicals display information relevent to animal treatment where as fertilisers display the product make up etc.



Check this box if the product is approved for organic farms. Remember also to fill in the organic withdrawl periods if you are certified as organic. This helps the inspectors to know that you are complying with their regulations. If you do not know the organic withdrawl periods contact your certification body. We cannot calculate these for you as the different organisations have different regulations.

Approved Usage

Check the animal groups the product is approved for. If the appropriate box is not ticked here then the product will not be listed when you come to treat an animal with it.

Meat  and Milking Restrictions

These boxes are enabled depending on the animal groups checked.