Farm IT Help - Getting Started

Getting Started

Once you have installed the software, you will be able to run FarmIT 3000 from the main programs menu.

Programs Menu

The main window looks like this.

The first time you run the application you will be prompted to enter details of your farm. Your holding number, herd number and farm name are manditory, as they are used when applying for claims and notifying the BMCS of births and movements. You must enter this information before you continue.

See 'Farm Details'

Before you start it is also worth understanding how to select dates, See 'Selecting Dates ' and how the main tree-view works See 'Tree View'.

Finally do you have to enter all your stock manually into FarmIt 3000? The answer is of course NO you do not. The BCMS provides us with a database with all your current stock in it, all you have to do is download a copy of the cattle on your holding and FarmIT 3000 can import all your existing stock within minutes.

See 'Importing Cattle From CTS'.


See also:

System Units
Selecting multiple animals
Animal Details