Cattle Stock Management

Once you are up and running and have imported your existing cattle, you may then proceed to manage your stock. This may involve only weekly activity if you are a small holding or a daily session if you are a larger holding. Births and movements may require daily attention where as premium applications are probably best done monthly, although there is no requirement to do so.

First of all you wish to know how to find an animal in your database. This is covered in Finding Stock.

Births and Purchases of new animals require you to add the new animals, see Adding New Stock .

Moving, Selling and Dead animals are covered in Moving Selling and Dead Stock

You may also record full breeding details, produce pedigree trees and record VET and Med and weight and analyse performance.

Very rarely do you actually have to record this on a single animal basis but can treat a group or selected animals in one go.


See also:

Changing an ear tag number
Deleting stock
Viewing pending birth registrations
Viewing pending movement registrations