Cattle Registrations - Births, Movements and Deaths

DATED: - 29 September 2021

In the United Kingdon all cattle births, movements and death are required to be notified to the devolved government body. This was done up until 2021 through the single BCMS / CTS interface, which run for over 25 Years. With the introduction (propsed ) of IED for cattle BCMS is being replaced by devolved systems, Scot EID in Scotland, EID Cymru in Wales and the Livestock Information Program in England.

The body to which you report will therefore depend on your farm location. For farms that stradle the border or have holding number on both sides, it is currently unclear what the exact rules are ( or are going to be) .


England is still reporting to BCMS. This is due to be replaced 2022 - 2023;

See BCMS/CTS for details -   CTS Online


From the 4th October 2021 Scottish farms will report to Scot EID.

See Scot EID for details -  Scot EID



Wales is still reporting to BCMS. This is due to be replaced 2022 - 2023;

See BCMS/CTS for details -   CTS Online


Reporting Options - Selecting WHO you report to!

Given we are in a period of transition with the BCMS system being devolved FarmIT 3000 provides the selection of the reporting service. You may therefor change the serviceas and when required.This is acheived from the system file menu. Select 'Cattle Registration Uploads' / 'Cattle Options'. The following screen is displayed.

The default value is BCMS/CTS, you may change this as required.