CTS Online
CTS - Cattle Tracing System is an internet based service provided by the BCMS and DEFRA for the on-line tracing of cattle movements and births.
Providing you have a computer and internet access you may notify the BCMS of cattle movements and births registrations using the CTS web site, thus eliminating the need to apply for cattle passports by post or sending off movement cards.
You may enter birth registrations and movements manually directly into the CTS website or use the CTS Direct system built into FarmIT 3000. You may also download from the CTS website a list of all the cattle on your holding and automatically import the cattle into the FarmIT 3000 Database.
By default FarmIT 3000 adds any new births or movements for cattle to a list for upload to CTS.
It then tracks these movements, warning you if you have not done them or if the notification fails or is rejected by CTS.
You may however turn off the automatic adding of births and movements to CTS or set this system to prompt you
by asking you if you want to notify CTS of the movement. This may be because you do not have an internet connection or because you do not need to notify them of the movement, for example a movement to a linked holding or you simply do not want to. Whatever the reason, you can select the option you best require.
CTS Direct
FarmIT 3000 connects direct to the CTS/DEFRA web servers to tranfer birth and movement information. All you need to use this is an internet connection. FarmIT 3000 automatically records the information sent to the CTS web server and the receipt received from the server. It also warns you on the daily task view of any records requiring tranfer to CTS and of any that need checking or have errors.
You can access the CTS Direct link by clicking the
symbol on your toolbar.
You may view pending births, movements, unchecked births, unchecked movements and errors, from the
File\CTS Uploads menu.
For details on uploading files see the following
Uploading Birth Registrations
Uploading Movement Registrations
For details on importing cattle from CTS see Importing Cattle From CTS