Farm IT Help - Importing Cattle from CTS

Importing Cattle from CTS

CTS already has details of all the animals currently on your holding. This information has been collected from the applications for passports and movement cards you have already submitted. Unless of course you are a completely new holding.

You may download and import these details into FarmIT 3000. You do not have to type all the animals in individually.

First of all ensure you are connected to the internet

OpenOpen the CTS Direct form, either by clicking on the CTS icon on the toolbar or by using the menu.

The CTS Direct form is the displayed.

Enter your CTS username and password then click on the 'Get Cattle On Holding' button.

FarmIT 3000 will attempt to contact the CTS server and retrieve the list of your current cattle.

Click the 'OK' button to import the cattle into the FarmIT 3000 database. Any animal not currently in the database will be created.

An import report is generated of all animals added to the database and any animals already found in the database.

Import Report

Finally refresh the tree to display the newly imported stock.