Farm IT Help - Enterprises


Enterprises provide a way of linking income and expense accounts into groups (enterprises) for the assesment of profit and loss. 

The profitablity of your business is identified by deducting the total expenses and cost of goods purchases from the total sales income.

You may assign accounts to a specific enterprise and analyse the profitablilty of that enterprise on its own.

To achieve this you will need to define specific income and expense accounts for the enterprise and select these when invoicing or entering bills. For example most of you may wish to define a Beef Cattle enterprise, create income accounts for Beef Cattle Sales, create a cost of goods accounts for the purchase of store cattle, and expense accounts for Beef Cattle Feed, Beef Cattle Vet and Med etc.

You would then be able to analyse the Beef Cattle enterprise on its own and identify the profitablility of the enterprise. The enterprise accounts are still of course included in the farms complete profit and loss analysis.

To add an account to an enterprise simply select the enterprise from the list on the account details dialog.


See Also

Chart Of Accounts
Creating An Account
Types Of Account