Management Groups, Movements and Field Grazing

Management groups offer a very useful way to not only feed and treat animals but also record field grazing via the groups location. Each animal has a location specified on its movement tab and a management group has a location on its main window.

If you set the location for a management group for which you have selected to track movements, the animals in the group will automatically have their locations updated when you save the management group record.

At the same time, if the new location is a field, a grazing record detailing the number of animals and ear tag numbers is automatically created for you and added to the field data, a similar record is created if the old location was a field.

Thus once you have put animals into a group, to maintain grazing records all you need to do is change the management groups location.

If you view the grazing for both fields you would see the generated grazing records for the animals. In the following examle the management group was moved out of High Pasture (out of field movement type record created for this field as seen in the back window below) and moved into River Side Meadow (into field movement type created as seen in the front window below).

See also Field Management - Grazing