FarmIT 3000 - Invoicing

Farm IT Help - Invoicing


Producing an invoice for the sale of goods is important for a number of reasons. Firstly it produces a record of the sale of the goods which may be printed and given to the customer. It  includes calculation of the VAT which can be used for the calculation of a VAT return. It also provides a means of tracking just how much money we are owed by customers and a reference for us when trying to get the customer to pay the invoice, it provides the data input for calulating sales accounts and breaking the sales down into cost centres.

Printing your invoice is simple, you just click print. The invoice layout is based on a template created using the Form Designer tool included with the software. Also included are basic templates for producing your invoice, you may modify these to suite your style and may add accreditation numbers, logos or anything else to your invoice.

In farming it is common practice for you to not actually produce your invoice but sell your animals via an agent that arranges transport, inspection, slaughter, etc and then deducts the cost of these from the value of the animals sold along with any commision. He then produces a remittance notice of what the charges were and the money you may expect back from him. In effect he produces your invoice for you.

In this situation we still need to enter the invoice data including the charges from the agent if we wish to identify his cost and also reclaim the VAT, even though we may not really need to send him a copy of the invoice. Remember that by entering the invoice you are doing a great deal more than just  producing the paper invoice.

To help you create basic invoices and also enter invoices including charged deductions FarmIT 3000 Gold has been specially designed. The Invoicing dialog has a special option to enable you to add contra items or deductions. These items may be charged to accounts and the VAT is calculated accordingly.

Should you wish to print out the invoice, the invoice template is switched to include the deductions.


See Also

Creating a new invoice
Finding an Invoice
Listing pending invoices