Antimicrobial Usage - January 2023

FarmIT 3000 provides specific reports for product usage based on the product catagory or subtype for example 'Antimicrobial'. In recent years farms have been asked to cut down on the use of antimicrobial products with some meat processing companies requiring farmers to show reports of usage. This is now being required by certain supermarket chains.

The report is available on the main reports menu...

Antimicrobial Report Menu option

The report is based on a date range that you can select.

Date Range Selection


The report then lists the products used and provides a summary of product quantities used for cattle, sheep, pigs, deer and other animals.

This report will only list products that are defined as 'Antimicrobial' in the category or sub-type. The report 'Summary Of Application By Product Type' will list all product grouped by category or sub-type.

If you change the category for an existing product record, the changes will be applied to all purchase records for the product and treatments. So you can easily update the products to appear in the correct group.

See Changing the Product Category