Changing a Product Category or Sub Type

The product definition record includes a category ( sub type ) which is used to break the products down when running reports, for example antimicrobial usage.

It is likely that if you have been using FarmIT 3000 for many years you will need to update the product category for the products you use in order for the reports to list the treatments correctly. Initially the category was only a basic list, with most products recorded as 'General Treatment'. The list has been expanded to include the official definition, for example, Antimicrobial or Endectocide etc

FarmIT3000 - Product Record

The category may be changed or updated at any time, changes will be applied to all purchases of the product automatically.

Listing your current products

You may list the products that you have entered, see the menu below. This makes it easy to access and update the product records.

FarmIT 3000 - Medical Chemical Products Menu

The product list displaying the category sub type.. double click the product name to change the record.

FarmIT 3000 Product List