How to set button functions

On the psion workabout pro 4 to set buttons to "Tab" and "Enter" go to...
Settings/Personal/buttons and on buttons go to...
Scancode Remap tab and fill in the boxes as so.
Add/Scancode: 0038 for "tab" 0039 for "enter"
Key Modifier: Virtual Keys - No froce.

Set button fixes

Another common issue with the psions is pressing "S" brings up the Daily Tasks menu, to fix this go to FarmITMobile in Setting/Botton Codes then press the "Test Btn" then press F4 on the psion then enter that code in the Daily Tasks Button textbox 917505.
(This will not work with multi farm mode)
To Fix on multi farm mode you will need to change the sound.ini file on the psion, you will need to add these two lines to the file