FarmIT 3000 - Cattle off Movements

Sending Animals to slaughter with barcode scanner

Use this when sending animals to slaughter only

On the top menu open movement/Send Animals To Slaughter (as shown below)

Sending animals to slaughter is very similar to an off movement. The process is the same but the end result differs in the status of the animal on the database. An off movement makes the animals status off holding whilst sending animals to slaughter makes their status slaughtered. Fill in the details form, circled in red is the minimum required to create the movement, i.e where the animal is moving to, the date of the movment and the animals in the movement.

There are two ways of selecting animals for a movement, you can press the Select Animals button and it will produce a list of animals on holding to select from, or you can double click the green box and fill in the details manually or use a barcode scanner(if cattle have EID tags then a EID reader can be used)

Scanning Animals

Double click the green box to open the scanning form if not propmpted to scan passport click Here,

Cattle with bar code

Scanning the top barcode of a passport fills in the ETN of the animals into the software.

Cattle with bar code

You can continue to scan more passports into the movement, once all livestock are in the movement click finish

Now that the animals are in the movement save and confirm and the movement will be completed. If you want to notify CTS see Here.