FarmIT 3000 - Uploading Birth Registrations to CTS

Farm IT Help - Uploading Birth Registrations to CTS

Uploading Birth Registrations to CTS

As you add new born animals the system will auotmatically add any births to a list of births registrations for CTS upload.

You may view the current list of pending births registrations by selecting the 'View Pending CTS Births' menu option from within the 'File' menu.


You may upload your birth registrations at any time, but you will be prompted to upload them before you close the application with a warning message.

First ensure you are connected to the internet


To register births with CTS first open the CTS Direct form.

The CTS Direct form will be displayed.

Enter your CTS username and password, then click the Register Movements button.

The software will attempt to communicate with the CTS / Defra web server, this may take a few seconds depending on your internet connection. The responce will be displayed and the movement records updated with a receipt number.

This acknowledges that the server has received (but not yet processed) the registrations.

You may check that the server has accepted the registrations at any time, however the server may take serveral minutes or even hours to process your registration, so we would suggest you check the registered registrations the following day.