Sheep Tags and Working With EID

September 2022

Animal Identification

The first thing to agree on is what to call the animal!

The FarmIT 3000 software uses the animals ear tag number (ETN:) as the system main identifier. All animal records are linked using the ear tag number. Each animal also has a Farm (Management) Tag, Pedigree Tag and Electronic tag.

Ear Tag Number

We recommend using the official identity as the ear tag number

The ear tag number is used on all movement records, vet and med, and animal breeding records. We strongely suggest you therefore use the official tag as the ear tag number

For Example - UK0713393 00045

We like a space between the flock number and individual number as it makes it easier to read!

The ear tag number is unique! you are not allowed duplicates. However exta spaces, missing 0's can lead to what looks like a duplicate.

For example.. UK0713393 00045 is different from UK713393 00405, UK071339300045, UK713393 45, 00045 ETC!

Mistakes in the ear tag number CAN lead to duplicates!

EID Electronic Identification

Work with EID Not against it!

EID (Electronic Tags) have changed the way we record data over the last 15 years. It is now incredibly easy to record data and use that data to assess animal performance. However there are still things to known and pitfalls to avoid.

FarmIT 3000 is designed to work with EID!

When working with sheep the software will automatically convert the EID into the official ear tag even if the eid is not set against the animals record. It also does this when uploading animals into electtronic devices.

UK0713393 00045 converts to 0826071339300045

0826071339300045 converts to UK0713393 00045

When down loading data from weigh heads and readers the FarmIT 3000 software automatically adapts for different formats of EID.

The More Complex Bit! - '0826052636100657' or '826 052636100657'

The is NO default format for the EID sent by the stick or panel reader.

 All readers can output the EID in different formats to allow the user to use different equipment, however again the formats may be refered to differently.

The actual number inside the tag is in digital hexidecimal format. HEXIDECIMAL include numbers and letters, 0123456789ABCDEF. ASCII converts Hexidecimal is in digital numbers 0 - 9.



The EID if represented as a 16 char string containing numbers 0-9 and letters A-F. However if you are using SHEEP eid tags hexidecimal is not good as you can not compare it to the actual Ear Tag Number.


ASCII represents the EID as a string of charecters containing only numbers, so good for sheep tags as you can read it. 0826 or 826 at the beginning representing the code for the UK

SO 826012345600001 can be read as UK0123456 00001 which is hopefully the number printed on the tag

However ASCII can also have multiple formats depending on length and in some cases spaces

ASCII 15 = 826012345600001

ASCII 16 = 0826012345600001 - with the extra leading zero

ASCII with a space = 826 012345600001

Farm Management Tags

You may of cause give your animals a number of your choice. We suggest this is recorded as a management tag. You may find animals based on this tag. Although the system does not allow you to have duplicate ear tag numbers the management tag may be duplicated. Some weigh heads do not allow duplicate management numbers so take care when working with management tags or using the farm tag field to record other information.

Pedigree or Society Numbers

Although some pedigree societies have embraced EID, many have not. This can lead to confusion when trying to keep records and work with EID.!

If you want EID to work on your farm DO NOT PUT Society numbers into the Ear Tag Number

FarmIT 3000 provides a 'Pedigree Tab' for each animal. You may record the pedigree name society reference number, date registered and breed society

There are also specific reports for registering animals, which include both the society number and the official ear tag number.

Sire and Dam - Official Tags

The animal record also has Sire, Dam, Surrogate Dam and Foster Dam fields. The official tag number should also be used here, especially for live animals, sire and dam exist on farm. If the sire or dam is not on farm then you may use any number you are happy with.