Holding Number, Holding Status and Location
Each animal has its own holding status, holding number and location. The holding status reflect the animals status on the farm for example 'On Holding' or 'Sold'. The holding number is the current holding the animal is at if the animal is listed as 'On Holding'. The animals location is the location on the farm for example a field or shed.
Animal are NOT deleted from the database, the holding status is used to know it's current status.
The Holding Status, number and location are visible on the animals movements tab
Animal Holding Status
On Holding
The animal is on the holding number specified or on the main farm holding. Animals listed as 'On Holding' are considered under management. They are listed in the tree view on the left and sent to mobile devices.
Off Holding
The animal is off holding, based on a movement off. But is was not considered a sale or sent to slaughter. The animals holding number will be its current holding number as specified on the movement
Off Holding At Keep
The animal is off holding at keep, based on a movement off to keep. The animals holding number will be its current holding number as specified on the movement
The animal is sold, based on a movement off to market or customer. We do not believe the animal is coming back as we have sold it.
The animal is slaughtered, based on a movement off to a slaughter house. The animal is not coming back.
Lost animals - Although it is rare animals do dissappear, particularly in the first few weeks of life. However we do not have a body and can therefore not say it has died or account for the carcuss. Sometimes retagging unknown animals creates a duplicate we can only record as lost.
The animal is lost or missing and may turn up. But we do not know where it is. The date represents the date we think it was lost.
Lost Presumed Dead
The animal is lost but we believe it must be dead as we can not find it. The date represents the date we think it was lost.
Died On Holding
The animal died on the farm and we have a death record for it.
Holding Number
If the holding number is blank the animal is assumed to be on the main farm holding if its status is 'On Holding'
The holding number reflects the holding where the animal is. This is specifically important of you have multiple holding numbers. It is automatically updated via movements and initially set either by a 'movement on' or by a birth record.
It should be recorded in the correct format, XX/XXX/XXXX
The holding number is inherited from the mother when a birth record is recorded, i.e. lambing or calving record.
Care should be taken when recording a calving or lambing record for a cow/ewe that has already been sold or moved off the farm as the calf or lamb may inherit the wrong holding number. This will become apparent when trying to register the birth of the calf with the government but may be missed with sheep.
Current Location
This is a field or farm location within the farm business. It will be set or updated by moving mangements groups into or out off a location. Physically this can be very difficult to maintain and takes a great deal of enthusiam to record correctly. Very few customers maintain this but it can be useful for housed cattle.