Recording treatments against the flock record.
See introduction for treatments.
You may record treatments without specifing individual tag numbers using the flock record. This is useful for untagged lambs or bulk preventative treatments where the individual tag number is not important.
double click on the sheep flock in the left hand tree view.
![Open the sheep flock](images/SheepTreatmentOpenFlock.jpg)
This will open the flock record...
![Sheep Flock Treatments Tab](images/SheepFlockTreatmentsTab.jpg)
Now click the <new> line in the list of treatments...
![New Entry](images/SheepFlockTreatmentsTabNewEntry.jpg)
This will open the treatment record, with the flock name in the ear tag box and the number of animal highlights ready for entry..
![Sheep Flock Treatment Record 1](images/SheepFlockTreatmentRecord1.jpg)
Enter the number treated and enter a description of the applied mark, i.e blue spot!
Change your date as required, Select the problem, the product and enter the quantity per animal.
![Sheep Flock Treatment 2](images/SheepFlockTreatmentRecord2.jpg)
Click the 'OK' button to record. The record will be listed against the flock and visible in the VET and MED reports
No Problem !
You can add a problem by selecting <new> on the drop down problem list and entering details of the problem. This will be added to the list of problem in the system for next time.
Missing Product
You can add a product by selecting <new> on the drop down product list. however it is easier to enter the product as a delivery then use it. Be carefule to ensure the product is approved for sheep.
Area Treated
The area treated is optional and only important if you want to know exactly what part of the animal was treated, for example recording which foot was treated (mainly dairy cows).
Note on Dates
The treatment date has a start and finish date in order to administer a course of treatment in one entry. i.e treating the same animal for 5 days. Most treatments are a single dose on one day so the start and end date are the same. The withdrawal dates being calculated based on the product withdraw and the end date.
If you are treating lambs with a single treatment of the same product over a period of a week. I.e you do one lot on monday, another on tuesday etc. Then you can crate one record for all based on the last day of treatment.