FarmIT 3000 - Importing Animal Groups

Farm IT Help - Importing Animal Groups

Importing Animal Groups

When selecting animals if you have big lists to select it may be useful to get the list of animals from outside the program if it exists. One instance of this is when using an EID (electronic identification) reader, for example the GES II Reader from GSImpex. You may however extract the ear tag numbers from any text or .csv file containing the ear tag numbers.

In the case of text or .csv files the ear tag must be listed in exactly the same format as listed in the database for the animal to be found and imported correctly. When you select the imported group the system will search the imported data for matching eartags and if found display the animal as available.

The following example shows you how to import a text file containing ear tag numbers.

For EID Data see the Importing animal lists from EID data .

Click the 'Import Groups' button at the bottom of the window.

Use the browse button to select the file. Now click the OK button to import the information. The imported group will now automatically appear in the drop down list of available groups, listed as IMPORT1 


 The screen will automatically update and display all the animals in the selected group.


Now simply click the select all button labelled '>>' and click 'OK'.