Pedigree Animals
FarmIT does not make a great distinction between pedigree animals and non
pedigree animals in terms of data recording, in fact many of our commercial
customers record much more about their animals than pedigree breeders do.
However pedigree animals do have one key distinction, they are registereed with
a breed society.
The pedigree tab of the animals record allows you to record the breed society and
the breed societies number for the animal. This number may be very different
from the animals official tag number.
You may define any animal as a pedigree and on its main record by ticking the
Pedigree animal check box on the pedigree tab, you may also specify a pedigree name. Listings of
pedigree animals on the farm are available from the reports menu.
Other than that breeding records are exactly the same as for standard
There is however one addtional tool designed to help when producing pedigree
record, that of Historic Pedigree Animals.
This allows you to create an animal record of an animal,
without the need to keep a full animal record. Historic Animals do not have the
full set of record tabs, you do not record movements,
feeding, passport details etc. They are there so you have a record of the
sire or dam for listing in pedigree tree reports or identifying progengy, where
you need to define an animal, its pedigree name etc. See Historic Pedigree Animals