FarmIT 3000 - Lambing on Psion

Lambing on Psion

On the Psion go to Sheep/Lambing/Birth and read a tag then press OK.

Select the sire

How old Lambs are in days

If the lamb required any assistance at birth

Enter a Management Tag (optional)

Now you enter the lambs details, the options of lamb ok requires you to tag the lamb at birth, untagged lamb is where you keep the lambing record to the ewe,

If you are scanning the lambs scan the tag, Set the lambs Sex, then Breed, once set the details repeat the process for each lamb, once all lambs are recorded , select No lamb.

Save the lambing record

Once saved syncronise the psion with FarmIT 3000, you can then see the lambing record agaist the ewes in the lambing tab.