FarmIT 3000 - Individual Field Stocking Levels
Farm IT Help - Individual Field Stocking Levels
Individual Field Stocking Levels
Extensification schemes work on a whole farm basis and average out the
stocking levels of individual fields. However some environmental schemes set
stocking level restrictions on individual fields.
This is very much linked to the grazing records kept for each field. see Field Management - Grazing.
You can look at these graphs by clicking on the 'Stocking Levels' menu and
choosing 'Field Stocking Rate/Grazing Selected Field'.
Choose the field of interest from the drop-down list that appears. This list
includes all fields entered in the software which ever category they are in.
Click OK
Select the year you wish to graph from the next drop-down list.
The graph will then appear and acts exactly the same as
if you had drawn it directly from the field record, the only difference is that doing it via the Stocking Levels menu allows you to choose the year
that you wish to graph.