FarmIT 3000 - Form Designer Adding Text

Farm IT Help - Form Designer Adding Text

Form Designer Adding Text

First open the template you wish to edit for example the invoice template, invoice.rprt (See Opening a Template File )

To add a text object to the template click on the A.. icon on the toolbar and then click on the area of the template where you wish to add the text.

Now click on the new box to edit and modify its properties and position.



You may resize the selected object by placing the mouse over one of the smaller square boxes, or move the box, up down left or right  by clicking in the middle of the box, and moving the mouse whilst holding down the left mouse button.

You may also make fine adjustments by using the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys on the keyboard.

To edit the text or change the font etc double click on the box to display the objects properties.

The text may contain key words identified as words in square brackets for example [CUSTOMERNAME], these words are replaced by the program when you print the form. If you wish to delete these you can but remember that the text that they represent in the database won't then be printed on the report.

Any text added outside square brackets will be shown as it is written every time the template is them printed.

You may add, edit or change the wording by simply typing in the text box, display a box border by ticking the show border box, change the alignment of the text etc.

To change the font or colur click on the button labelled 'Font' and select the font attributes.

Once you are happy with the properties click OK to apply them, and don't forget to save the template, File/Save