Farm IT Help - Part Fields

Part Fields

Often you will want to break up a field into different sections that can be used for different purposes and treated differently at different times. The ability to manage part of a field is provided by the Part Field category. You may perform all the operations on a part field that you can on a main field.

To add a Part Field click on 'Add New Field Part' in the 'Fields' menu

This will bring up the following window within which you can give the field part a unique name and choose the parent field of which it is part. You must have entered the parent field before you try to enter a part field.

Enter all other information and click 'OK'. When you refresh the tree view (by clicking the refresh button above the tree view) this part field will be visible under the parent field (highlighted in blue below).

Alternatively you can add a part field by opening an individual field record and clicking on the 'Field Parts' tab and then double clicking on '<new>'  at the bottom of the list.

This will bring up the same 'Part Field' window as before.

See Also:

Treating fields - fertilisers and sprays
Planting and harvesting
Soil analysis