FarmIT Mobile For Android
FarmIT Mobile for android is an android app designed to allow FarmIT 3000 customers to view and collect farm management data whilst in the field, around the farm or estate.
![FarmIT Mobile Main Screen](images/Android/MainScreen.png)
Android Devices
There are thousands of devices running android in the world. They range from phones to hand held computers and tablets, most have bluetooth and wireless, some have features like cameras and GPS. The list of devices continues to expand on an alomost daily basis.
Android is an operating system and has been specifically developed for hand held devices, over the last few years becoming widely used and almost all phones other than Apple Phones.
Phones or Tablets
Phones and Tablets come is a number of sizes, from small screens (6.5 - 7 Inch) to large (10, 12 and 14). So the mobile app has its work cut out when trying to look good on all devices.
Also the data being displayed can be difficult to read on a small screen for example our Cattle Console is really best used ona 10inch or larger screen.
![FarmIT Cattle Console on a 10 inch andriod tablet.](images/Android/CattleConsoleOn10InchTablet.png)
Phones Ring!
One thing to bare in mind when considering a phone or tablet is that "phones ring!". It can be specifically annoying when recording cattle weights to have your phone suddently ring and pop up caller info just as your about to save a animal weight.
Android Apps
Android apps are available from Googles 'Play Store', You will fined a link to the play store on your device. You may then search the store for 'FarmIT Mobile' download and install the app.
What does the App Do?
View info, breed,sex, days on farm, check assurance, view treatments, weights calving history. Record weights, calvings, movements, vet and med.
View info, breed,sex, days on farm, check assurance, view treatments, weights calving history. Record weights, lambings, movements, vet and med.
View information, planting, harvesting, field applications, record the records etc etc