Disposing or Loss of Agricultural Products
The correct disposal of out of date or unused farm agricultural products is becoming an ever more important requirement and record of their disposal a requirement of many of the farm assurance schemes.
Unfortunately the nature of the job also means you may loose a product or it may be accidently spilt etc. You therefore also need to be able to record this loss.
FarmIT 3000 records the details of disposal or loss in a simple form, recording the name of the product, date, loss or disposal, quantity, reason for disposal and method of disposal.
To record the loss or disposal of a product first select the 'Disposal or Loss' menu option under the 'Farm' menu.
The Disposal screen is then displayed.
Agricultrural Product
The agricultural product list provides a drop down list of all your current farm products including the product name and batch number. Selecting a product from the list will automatically update the Batch Number and Product information, displaying the quantity in stock and the unit.
Batch Number
The batch number of the selected product.
Date of Disposal or Loss
Record the date of disposal or loss.
Qty and Unit
Specifiy the qty and unit. The unit will automatically be set for you to ensure you use the same unit as the product was purchased and used.
Sorry but we currently have no method for recording that you find the product once it has been recorded as lost. You may however adjust the stock level yourself at any time.
Reason for Disposal
Record the reason for disposal, we have provided a number of reasons to aid database searching
Method of Disposal
Enter details of the method of disposal. This may include return to the Vet or supplier for disposal.
You may also record the disposal via the product record found by double clicking a product in one of the lists from the tree view such as 'Seed or Crop'. Then clicking of the 'Sell,Disposal,Loss' button at the bottom. This will bring up the same window as above but with the product name etc. already filled in.
Whichever method is used a record of disposal and losses can be seen via the product record for that item under the 'Disposal,Transfers and Sales' tab.