Anti Virus Software

We would always recommend that your computer has up todate anti virus software installed to protect your data from malicous virus infection. There are of course a wide range of free and commercial solutions available providing a wide range of security featurers. These features differ from solution to solution but include checking for virus infected files and suspicious activity accessing the interent.

Internet Communication

As the internet has grown and access speeds have greaty increased, more and more software apps are accessing the internet to check for updates, transfer data and track usage. FarmIT 3000 connects to our servers to check for updates, Synchronise with FarmIT Online and Android devices, access 'ON-LINE' help, and transfer data for movements, deaths etc. Unfortunately some Anti Virus Software may identify this as suspicious activity. A warning will normaly be displayed so you may confirm that the software is 'OK' to continue accessing the internet. However if you miss this the software will be 'QUARRENTINED' by the anti virus software and sometimes even deleted!.


If your antivirus software checks for internet access it will normally have a quarrentine folder, this is somewhere it puts the program and stops you using it!. Most anti virus programs will let you restore the program from quarrentine.