Creating movements with a psion

First you need to create the movement on the psion, on the mobile software go to either cattle or sheep, this works best with EID so we will use sheep in this example, then on sheep go to "Move", Select the sype of movement you want to make.

Select the type of scanning.(Batch is the same as speed read)

Then you can scan the tags to populate the list of sheep. Once all sheep are in the list, Ok and fill in the movements details form, then save movement.

The movements on your psion and movements on the PC version of the software are now out of sync, simply syncronise the psion on the PC version of the software and the new movements on the psion will sync with the PC, thus putting animal staus' to be correct (on/off holding, slaughtred/sold) For help on setup and syncing on psion click Here

Once syncronised the movements from the psion are put on the software but it requires you to "Select all" aniamls and "Save and confirm"