Mobile Mapping

Mobile mapping is used to plot fields and calculate area and lengths of area on your fields, the initial set up requires you to create a list of fields, this cannot be done on the app so requires either using FarmIT3000 or FarmITOnline to create a list of fields, once you have a list of fields you can then create a map, click add, you will have a choice on how to set up the map center, (Postcode/Current Location), postcode is filled in and current location requires gps, this will show you a map of the selected location, simple click on the map where you want the map center to be, give your map a name and click set, then go beck to the map menu and select your new map.

With a new map there are no objects so to add objects you will need to go into edit mode, click the menu on the top right and select "Edit Current Map" to allow to add map objects, the goto the menu on the top right again to "Add", then "Area", same as setting the map you will now be setting a area, click on mulple point on the map to generate a field, then click save on the bottom and fill in the boxes.

another way to add items is by using gps, on the menu click "Add GPS", then "Add Map Object" fill in the form for the type of object you want, in this example I will be plotting a wall to get its length to know how much fence I will need, it will then ask Manual or Auto, in this case Manual mean you you will need to press the "Add" button to add coordinates, and auto puts the coordinates in the list automatically, once you have walked the length of the wall/perimeter click save to create the object, the last type of object you can add is a marker these are single point objects like trees and gates, and also field labels, these are required to display information about the field, to add a label to a field go into edit mode, then add a marker from the menu, then click on the field and fill in the form to add a marker. Once you have set up your map and created the objects, you can now use it to gain info on the area/length of fields and create grazing records for animals, to get the area of a field long click a field and it will tell you its area, click a wall and it will say it, and click a marker for its information too, to create a grazing record you need to drag and drop cattle/sheep makrers, so selecting on field of cow and drag it to another field to create the grazing record. Note: grazing records can only be done in normal mode no it edit mode.