Mobile Mapping

Mobile mapping is used to plot fields and calculate area and lengths of area on your fields, this page explains how to add fields/gates etc to the map for more Information on setting up maps click here, To add Field for example by using gps co-ords you can go into fields/gps, In here you are asked to create a field object a filed object is a Fence or Field boundry or a Tree it is anything displayed on the map, in the gps add view, here you can fill in the form to create to "Object" you want so if you wanted to create a Field, the type is Field Boundry the Field is the field that the boundry is drawing, and the name will be created for you or you can type in but not recommended for fields, and Map is the mapview to display it on. Once you select type as either a "Area/Line object" you can record the co-ordinates manually or automatically, this means that you can walk around and co-ordinates are set for you or you can click manual to add co-ordinates when you press the add button.