Stock Weighing Points.

Weighing points provide a useful way to group animals together for analysis. For example when analysing cattle weights breeders have identified key dates for weighing. For example 100 day weight and 200 day, or for sheep the 8 week weight and 16 week weight. It is however very difficult to weigh every animal on the exact day required, therefore it is accepted that the 100 day weight will have a range of dates normally identified in days plus or minus the actual weighing day. For example the 100 day weight may include a physical animal weight from up to 20 days before and 40 days after.


You can enter the weigh dates and ranges as suggested by any schemes you are running on such as MLc's Signet Beefbreeder scheme and/or you may enter your own target dates and ranges to help you make your own management decisions relevent to your farming system.


Once defined we may compare the weights of animals by the weighing point even though the actual weight of the animal may vary by up to 60 days (or whatever range you have entered).

You may define within the system key weighing point dates for cattle pigs sheep and deer and as many as you like. It is important to remember however that these periods should not over lap, and for better analysis and comparison the ranges should really be as narrow as possible.