Tru-Test - Working With EID Tags
September 2021
EID (Electronic Tags) have changed the way we record data over the last 15 years. It is now incredibly easy to record weight data and use that data to assess animal performance. However there are still things to known and pitfalls to avoid.
The Easy Bit!
The Tru-Test units that support EID have a data field to record the EID, normally called the EID. They normally receive the EID from an external EID reader for example a stick or panel reader, the EID is then stored in the unit data and the weight recorded against it.
When down loading data from the unit the FarmIT 3000 software using the EID to lookup and find the animal and assign the weight to the animal. It will also prompt you to create a new animal if the EID can not be found. The FarmIT 3000 software automatically adapts for different formats of EID.
The More Complex Bit! - '0826052636100657' or '826 052636100657'
The is NO default format for the EID sent by the stick or panel reader. All readers can output the EID in different formats to allow the user to use different equipment, however again the formats may be refered to differently.
The actual number inside the tag is in digital hexidecimal format. HEXIDECIMAL include numbers and letters, 0123456789ABCDEF. ASCII converts Hexidecimal is in digital numbers 0 - 9.
The EID if represented as a 16 char string containing numbers 0-9 and letters A-F. However if you are using SHEEP eid tags hexidecimal is not good as you can not compare it to the actual Ear Tag Number.
ASCII represents the EID as a string of charecters containing only numbers, so good for sheep tags as you can read it. 0826 or 826 at the beginning representing the code for the UK
SO 826012345600001 can be read as UK0123456 00001 which is hopefully the number printed on the tag
However ASCII can also have multiple formats depending on length and in some cases spaces
ASCII 15 = 826012345600001
ASCII 16 = 0826012345600001 - with the extra leading zero
ASCII with a space = 826 012345600001
Tru-Test Weighheads and EID
The most useful thing about EID is using it for performance. If the the unit receives an EID it saves the weight against the EID. Next time it recieves the EID it can calculate and display weight gain. Units that support life data can also display this data against the matching EID. This woks very well if the animals are only recorded on the unit, but can be trouble if the animals are loaded onto the unit via computer.
'0826052636100657' or '826 052636100657' or '826052636100657. AS far as the unit is concerned all these EID's are different even though to us they are readable and the same tag. SO when uploading the eid into the unit as part of life data (XR3000 or XR5000) we need to know the format of eid the stick or panel reader is outputting otherwise the life data will never be found. The FarmIT 3000 software is configurable when it comes to the uploading of life data, so the animals EID as recorded in the FarmIT 3000 database is formatted to the correct format for the EID reader.
Using multiple Stick Readers or Panel Readers
If you are using multiple readers you must ensure that their output formats are the same otherwise you will not find the animal adn its life data and the unit will create additional animals in life data.
![Tru-test EW7](images/EW7.JPG)