Slaughter House Reports

FarmIT 3000 allows you to enter details of the reports given to you by slaughter houses and see details of historic reports.

To enter details of a new report click on 'Create Slaughter House Report Button' on the movement record.

This will open up a window in which you can enter the details of the slaughter house, the lot number and the date of the report. The date will automatically come in as the current days date so this needs to be changed if it is not correct.

Double click on '<new>' in the 'kill No' column to enter the details of each animal slaughtered.

Enter the details from the paper report into the relevant boxes. Click 'OK' when all details are entered. Not all slaughter houses will provide details of live weight.

Click 'Save' on the 'Slaughter House Report' window. This will automatically enter the weights into the animal record so you do not have to enter this information twice.

You can see details of any reports entered by listing slaugter house reports.