Signet Shirling Ewe Weight Report - Mature Ewe Weights

This report details the weight of ewes at the given period. You may select a period in days, or specify a date of actual weighing.

Animal Selection

You may include animals based on flock, breed and Date of birth, OR you may select specific animals for example a management group. We would suggest for this report you actuall specify the individual animals, i.e those you have retained for breeding.


Weights with a Date Range

You may select a specific DATE or date range, for example 16 June to 6th July. Untick the 'Use Weights With Day Range' option and select the dates you want.

The Report

Export to Microsoft Excel or Text File

You can either export the report to Microsoft Excel ( asumming you have excel) or export the report as a Text csv file. Either will be acceptable to SIGNET.

From the main menu, select 'File / Export / Export current report to excel'

The report is then exported to excel, as show below. Please note it does take a few seconds...