Signet Sheep Setup Report - Annual Lambing

This report details lambs born in a season and include Sire, Dam, Lamb, Sex, DOB, Lambing Ease, and birth weight

Run the report from the main menu. Sheep / Sheep Reports / SIGNET and Sil

Report Options

Animal Selection

You may include animals based on flock, breed and Date of birth, OR you may select specific animals for example a management group.

Birth Weights

Birth weights will be include if the weight was recorded in with the specified period of days since birth. For example 4 Days will include a weight taken under 5 days from the animals specifed date of birth.

The Report

Export to Microsoft Excel or Text File

You can either export the report to Microsoft Excel ( asumming you have excel) or export the report as a Text csv file. Either will be acceptable to SIGNET.

From the main menu, select 'File / Export / Export current report to excel'

the report is then exported to excel, as show below. Please note it does take a few seconds...