Signet Recording

FarmIT 3000 provides the ideal farm package to help collect and analyseIt is specifically designed to ensure that the data you collect meets the SIGENT requirements and that it can be transferred to SIGNET with the minimum of effort or retyping of data at Signet.

There are however things you need to be aware of. First and foremost is the accuracy in regard to the animals identification is paramount. As is accuracy when collecting the associated data. When collecting the data take your time, do not rush it, as mistakes at this stage take rather longer to rectify later.

It is better to take your time and get it right once.

Once the data is collected FarmIT provides specific report for Signet. These reports have been agreed with them and are is a specific format for good reason, please do not alter them.

You may import the EBV results into FarmIT for analysis and to create drafting group for sorting out animals.