Sheep Movements.

Maintaining sheep movements is a requirement by law, so its importance is key to FarmIT 3000 and although you could use FarmIT 3000 just for your pedigree and performance recording, recording movements is important in order to  keep track of sheep number on farm. It is also not very difficult do! so there is really no excuse.

Movements include new movements on, for example purchase of stock, movements on of stores, and movements off, sending animals to slaughter, market or simply another holding number.

Movements do not include births( these are done with lambing records) and deaths (these are done with death records).

All movements are accessed via the main 'Movements' menu option on the main menu (top of screen).

Sheep movements may be recorded on individual tag number or a flock number (Slaughter Tag). Where sheep are recorded within FarmIT3000 as individual animals it is important to record their movements as individual. Failing to record movements specifically OFF movements, to market or slaugter, whilst creating lambs for breeding records will result in your sheep numbers becoming very incorrect, i.e out by 100's rather than 1 or 2.

The real issue when dealing with sheep is that you need to know the tag numbers, which for most of us means reading the tags with an EID reader. Unlike cattle we have no passports we can scan in the office and we tend to be moving more than one or two animals at a time.

FarmIT 3000 provides integration to a big list of stick readers, data loggers and hand held computers to enable the 'getting' of the list.