Lambing Analysis Statistics

The lambing analysis staistical report is generated from the lambing analysis view. It provides a full report from tupping through to weaning, including figures on scanning, lamb losses and birth assistance. The report may be incomplete if run before weaning. A typical report is shown below, Although the sample shown is for a very small group of ewes it does make it easier to see. In reality it should be remembered that the statistics for small groups of ewes may be missleading. For example if you only have 50 lambs and 5 die your death rate will look like 10%, which looks very high but could be dues to one set of quads and an unfortunate single. Larger groups generate more meaning full statistics.

Lambing Analysis

Llety Mawr Farm Enterprises - Llety Mawr Farm Enterprises

Lambing statistics for the year 2022 and the period 01-10-2021 - 28-07-2022

Filters: Ewes Sire = Any, Ewes Breed = Any, Ewes Age = Any, Flock = Any, Status = Any

Total ewes in analysis 27, this includes any ewe with a tupping, scanning or lambing record. For statistics to be accurate a ewe shoulds have at least one of each.

Ewe Average Age

DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Age 10 0.00 % of total animals
Age 27 25.93 % of total animals
Age 36 22.22 % of total animals
Age 42 7.41 % of total animals
Age 5 + 12 44.44 % of total animals
Average Age0.00 - % -


DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Total Ewes Put to Tup (tupping records)25 92.59 % of total animals with Tupping record!


DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Total Ewes Scanned: 27 100.00 % of total animals with scanning records
Ewes scanned as barren: 1 3.70 % of scanned ewes
Ewes scanned as singles: 12 44.44 % of scanned ewes
Ewes scanned as twins: 13 48.15 % of scanned ewes
Ewes scanned as triplets: 1 3.70 % of scanned ewes
Ewes scanned as Quads or more: 0 0.00 % of scanned ewes
Total Lambs from scanning: 41 151.85 % of scanned ewes

Ewe Lambing

DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Total Ewes Lambed: 23 85.19 % of total animals
Total Ewes No Lambing record: 4 14.81 % of total animals
Single Births: 11 47.83 % of ewes lambed
Twin Births: 11 47.83 % of ewes lambed
Triplet Births: 1 4.35 % of ewes lambed
Quad + Births: 0 0.00 % of ewes lambed
Prolapsed Ewes: 0 0.00 % of ewes lambed
Aborted Ewes: 0 0.00 % of ewes lambed


DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Total Lambs Born: 36 87.80 % of total lambs Scanned
Stillborn Lambs: 2 5.56 % of total lambs
Untagged Dead Lambs: 0 0.00 % of total lambs
Total Live Lambs: 34 94.44 % of total lambs

Stillborn and Untagged Death Breakdown

Still born lambs may include animals which die pre tagging depending on the tagging / recording policy. We recommend recording those as untagged deaths. Stillborn lambs do not have a cause of death associated with them.

Untagged deaths relate to lambs recorded as died untagged, i.e lambs lost within 24/48 hrs pre tagging. Causes may be analysed under death analysis

DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Lost Lambs: 2 5.56 % of total lambs
Stillborn Singles: 0 0.00 % of total stillborn lambs
Stillborn Twins: 2 100.00 % of total stillborn lambs
Stillborn Triplets: 0 0.00 % of total stillborn lambs
Stillborn Quads +: 0 0.00 % of total stillborn lambs
Untagged dead Singles: 0 0.00 % of total untagged dead lambs
Untagged Dead Twins: 0 0.00 % of total untagged dead lambs
Untagged Dead Triplets: 0 0.00 % of total untagged dead lambs
Untagged Dead Quads +: 0 0.00 % of total untagged dead lambs

Birth Assistance

DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Total Non Assisted Lambings: 19 82.61 % of Ewes Lambed
Total Slightly Assisted Lambings: 3 13.04 % of Ewes Lambed
Total Assisted Lambings: 0 0.00 % of Ewes Lambed
Total Severe Assisted Lambings: 1 4.35 % of Ewes Lambed
Total VET Assisted Lambings: 0 0.00 % of Ewes Lambed
Total Ceasarean Lambings: 0 0.00 % of Ewes Lambed
Total Elective Ceasarean Lambings: 0 0.00 % of Ewes Lambed
Total Lambings Assisted: 4 17.39 % of Ewes Lambed


DescriptionNo of AnimalsPercentage of totalNotes
Total Weaned Lambs: 0 0.00 % of lambs Born
Lambs per ewe: 0.00 0.00 % of weaned lambs to ewe. Based on total ewes

Weaning Weights and Ewe Efficiency

DescriptionWeight KgPercentage of totalNotes
Average Ewe Tupping Wt: 49.56 Kg N.A. based on 25 ewes weighed at tupping