FarmIT 3000 - Sheep Holding Register

Farm IT Help - Sheep Holding Register

Sheep Holding Register

The Sheep Holding Register (Sheep Movement Register) provides the official recording of your sheep within England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. If you are using FarmIT outside of these countries you may find that the register is still appropriate. The register is holding number based and list all movements etc related to the select holding number.

Sheep Flock Register


The register displays all entries of individual and non-tagged sheep for the selected dates and the opening numbers on the start date. If you are keeping individual animal records, the entries on the register are also displayed on the animal's 'Movement History' tab for that respective animal. Each individual animal should have either a birth record or an initial 'On movement' record, and may have other subsequent movements.

The register will group entries based on type and date. For example, individual birth entries on the same day are grouped into a single entry. This does not apply to movements which are grouped on their movement number.

When printing the register, you may select the format specific to your region. By entering your Country on the Farm Details screen, this regional register will always appear as default. If you leave the register region blank, it is based on a default layout.