Analysing Problems And Diseases.
You may analyse problems and diseases in two ways.
either as a whole or by a specific problem. You may
also list all animals treated for a specifc problem for a selected period.
As a whole the 'Problem and Diseases' reports provides information on the
numbers treated or animals that die. This information is very usefull when
producing a farm health plan as its lists the problems year on year.
Specific problems may be analysed by using the 'Problems And
Diseases Analysis' form from either the
'Cattle' or 'Sheep'
menus. This allows us to look at specifc animals or breeding
Problems And Diseases Analysis
The form allows you to pick a specific problem, for example
'Calcium Deficiency', The animals effected by the
diease are then listed, and a check is made of the number of treatments, deaths
and progeny effected. The Sire and Dam are also checked as to whether they were
effected by the problem. This allows us to identify any problems that may be
You may filter the listing by Sire, Breed, Status and for sheep Scrapie code.
Like all forms you may double click the animals ear tag number to open and view
the animals record.
![Problems And Disease Analysis](images/ProblemAndDiseaseAnalysis.JPG)
Select the report for problems and diseases from the report menu
under either beef cattle or sheep. Both reports are broken down the same way and
produce a report as follows.
The problems are sorted by the total number
of deaths.
Total Effected
This identifies the total number of animals
effected by the problem. If an animal is
treated or dies of a problem he is counted in the total number effected. The
animal is only counted once even if it is identified as having the problem multiple times.
Total Treated
This identifies the total number of animals treated for the
problem. Animals that are treated multiple times are recorded only once.
Treated Deaths
This identifies animals that die but have been treated for the
disease. I.E the animal died of the disease and had been treated for the
Untreated Deaths
This identifies untreated deaths. Animals that die from
the problem but where not treated.
Deaths U6 Months
This identifies animal deaths under 6 months old to give
an idea of those problems that effect the animals more in the first months of their life.
Total Deaths
This identifies the total number of animals that died from the problem whether treated for it or not. This
number includes those under 6 months old.
Recovery Rate
Expressed as a percentage it indicates whether the
treatment is effective by calculating how many of the treated
animals recover. You will of course need to asses
the cost of the treatment and the value of the animal in determining whether it
is financially viable.