Problems And Diseases.

Identifying problems and diseases on the farm is of major importance. As you treat animals for diseases you will be prompted to enter the problem or disease, similarly when recording details of death you will also be prompted for the problem or disease.

FarmIT 3000 links both treatments and deaths to the problem or disease, allowing you to analyse the data by year. It automatically calculates the number of animals affected by a disease and treated for it and deaths or recovery from that disease.

You may add problems and diseases as you treat animals or record deaths, or you may add them to the list of problems and diseases from the 'Farm' menu.

To add a problem or disease simply click the <new> entry in the list. To edit or delete an entry simply double click on the problem to bring up the following dialog box.


Enter the name of the problem, select the type, either: cattle; sheep; general animal or field, depending on the group that the problem effects. Enter a description if you wish.

You may analyse problems and diseases effecting beef stock or sheep by selecting the 'Problem and Diseases' report from either the 'Sheep' or 'Beef Stock' section of the 'Reports' menu.

The report will list the problems by year and will sort them by the number of animals that die of the problem. Thus allowing you to identify your main problems and analyse treatment and deaths.