FarmIT Mobile Treatments

From the main menu once synchronised, select the animal type to create Treatment records for (Cattle or Sheep), once selected you will see the cattle menu and all the actions to make a record, Select Death, then you will be prompted to find an animal, for ETN (Ear Tag Number), to search an animal by the means you are looking for the last digit of the ETN, for example, if I were to type in "5" and search all ETNs that end in 5 will appear in the list below to choose from, if I were to type in "UK" nothing will appear but if I type in the Full ETN "UK123450 600001" then that number will appear, EID if for stick readers, and Farm Tag is for managements tags with are found in the opposite direction from ETNs for example if you where to type in "E" into the Farm Tag box all entries beginning with "E" will appear, and type in "E1" all entries that begging with "E1" will appear.

To search type in the desired box and press search, it will then create a list of animals to select from, press the animal you want to apply a Treatment record for, it will then put the "Full Tag Number" into the text box by clicking the tag you want to create a record against, click next,

This will then prompt you to create a Treatment record for the selected animal, fill in the boxes. press save, and then you will be prompted to create another Treatment record.