Management Groups - Physical and Analysis

FarmIT 3000 allows you to define a management group as 'Physical' or 'Analysis' by selecting the 'Group Type' on the Management Group form.

Physical groups are designed to be used with 'Real' actual groups, for example your heifers, or store cattle.

Animals in physical groups will automatically be removed from the groups should you move them off holding, sell them or if it dies. This ensures the group has the real number of animals at all times.

Analysis groups are used to group animals together for analysis only, you can not feed, treat or move a analysis group, however you can selected them to compare their weight gains, slaughter grades, breeding performance etc.  

All records created by selecting a physical group will use the ear tag numbers of the select animals rather than the group name. This ensures that the records are correct at all times even if you delete or change the animals in the group.

There is no restriction on the number of groups an animal can be in. An individual animal can be recorded in more than one management group at any one time.