Management Groups

Simply a list of Animals

Management groups provide a simple and easy way to allow you to select multiple animals, then use the group rather than selecting the individual animals every time.

Moving, feeding and treating animals all require you to select the appropriate animals. If you have a large number of animals this is often difficult and time consuming if you are continually selecting the same animals individually.

Management Groups allow you to select animals for the group and then simply select the group rather than the individuals when you need to move, feed or treat them.

An animals can exist in multiple groups. You can create as meny groups as you like.

Creating groups is easy and may done in a number of ways, manually, from the eid reader, weighheads, analysis screens etc etc

See Management Groups Animal Selection for details

You can even create one from your EID stick reader..

See Management Groups From an XRS2


Management groups can be both real physical groups or simply select groups within the software. If your group represents a physical group you may move the location of the group from field to field or another farm location. The locations for each animal will be automatically updated and a grazing record for the fields involved created.

Physical, Analysis and Archive Groups

Within the software you can also define the management group as 'Physical', 'Analysis' or 'Archive'.

Physical groups are designed to be used with 'Real' actual groups, for example your heifers or store cattle.

Animals in physical groups will automatically be removed from the groups should you move them off holding, sell them or if it dies. This ensures the group has the real number of animals at all times.

Analysis groups are used to group animals together for analysis only. You cannot feed, treat or move an analysis group. However, you can select them to compare their weight gains, slaughter grades, breeding performance etc.  Animals are NOT removed from analysis groups.

All records created by selecting a physical group will use the ear tag numbers of the select animals rather than the group name. This ensures that the records are correct at all times even if you delete or change the animals in the group.

Archive groups are simply groups you choose to 'hide', the group list of animals remains intack but the group is not displayed in the left hand tree or when using the animal selection screen. Archive groups are listed from the main farm menu, 'Stock Management Groups'.

Location and Grazing Records

You can also use management groups to aid field grazing records

See Management Groups and Grazing Records