Farm IT Help - Movements Off

LIS - Livestock Information Services - England UK


Introduced in April 2022 LIS replaced the ARAMS system and provides online reporting of sheep, deer and goat movements for England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have their own systems.

If you have a farm or holding number outside of england this information is not applicable.

LIS Is Optional

You do not have to use the online system or report movements electronically, You may continue to fill in the movement documentation and send it off in the post. You do however have to keep movement records in accordance with the DEFRA legislation.


When you move sheep you need to complete the paper work just as you have been doing up until now. The ARAMS online system does not replace the need to compleat the forms and have them with the animals whilst in transit. You can of course complete the form either on the arams website or within the FarmIT 3000 software and then print the movement documentation. You may choose to get some forms and simple write them in whilst in your landrover on the way to market or sat in the queue at market.!

Online Manual Entry or Electronic Notification vai a Farm Management Package.

You may notify movement electronically by either using the LIS website yourself or using a farm management package which supports the electronic transfer to the LIS system. At the time of writting you had to register with LISS to do one OR the other.  This first step is therefore to go to the LIS website and register as a USER. You will then be sent by them a username and password. This is required by FarmIT 3000 to enable the transfer of movement information.

Notification of movements by the receiving party - Movements ON!

It is still the responcibility of the receiving holding to notitfy LIS of the movement. If you are sending sheep to another holding you do not need to register the movement off. If you choose to do so this is refered to as a half move and it is then the respocibility of the receiving holding to compleat the movement information. As the receiving holding you can of course complete the paperwork and send it off in the post!.

Movements to Markets in England

Although a movement to a market should be recorded on the FarmIT 3000 Software, LIS does not allow the farmer to upload this information. The market is responsible for reading the tags of the sheep and notifing LIS of the movement. If you read the tags before going to market this information is simply ignored. You will of course need to put the off movement into the software for two reasons. First if you are using FarmIT 3000 as your flock book the movement has to go in, secondly and probably more important as far as farm management is concerned, unless you record some off movements you end up with thousands of sheep on your farm.

Half Moves!

The term 'Half Move' is used to describe a movement first recorded as an off movement by the sending holding. It is recorded as a half move because the sender can not complete details such as unloading time etc. It is only relavant if the sender then registers this with the LIS system and probably only usefull to the receiving holding if the sender includes the list of sheep EID tags. Please note that all movements from another farm to your farm should include a list of the indiviudal sheep. Although yet to be seen, it is likely that markets we provide the half move registration for farmers buying sheep at market, for example breeding ewes or store lambs. You can do a 'half move off' from FarmIT which would be useful if the receiver is also using LIS but remember paperwork still needs to travel with the animals.