Farm IT Help - Finding Beef Stock

Finding Beef Stock

Finding stock is easy, first click the 'Find' toolbar button Find Button or select 'Find Stock' from the 'Beef Stock' menu.

Find Menu

Which ever method you choose the following window is displayed.

Stock Finder

You may enter the ear tag number or select the animal from the drop down list.

Stock Finder Drop down

If the animal is found the animal details window is displayed.

The search options allow you to refine your search by selecting the search field, selecting to match exact, limit the search to animals on holding or search for any part of the field.

If you enter a partial ear tag number a list of matching animals is displayed, for example if you entered the ear tag number '35' you will get a list of all animals where the ear tag end in '35' as follows.

Find Animals Like UK E

You may then view the specific animals details window by double clicking on the ear tag number of the record you wish to see.