Farm IT Help - Field Plate Measurements

Field Plate Measurements

Taking field plate measurements can be a useful for deciding on grazing regimes and stocking densities.

Plate measurements can be entered via the 'Plate Readings' tab of a field record.

Just click on <new> in the list and fill in the date and measurement for the reading. Click 'OK' and this will be added to the list.

You may also enter field plate readings for selected field in bulk by selecting the 'enter field plate readings' option from the field menu, rather than entering them one at a time. You may also import field plate readings from CSV files.

If you have a GESII or Agrident reader FarmIT 3000 also provides a Field Plate Reading task allowing you to record the data in the field and directly import the records into farmit 3000.

Field Plate Readings On Farm Maps

If you create a farm map and link the field records to the map, ploting the actual field boundries. You may display the latest field plate data on a map.

The numeric range for field plate readings is configurable, you may change this on the Farm Details, configuration options tab. The fill colours then use the range to colour the fields from light green through to dark green based on the actual readings recorded.