FarmIT 3000 - FarmIT 3000 Template Files

Farm IT Help - FarmIT 3000 Template Files

FarmIT 3000 Template Files

Farm IT 3000 comes with a number of template files used to print forms such as invoices, claimsm and movements.

All the template files are store in the farmIT 3000 reports\templates folder.

C:\Program Files\Border Software\FarmIT 3000\reports\Templates

Templates include the following.

1.Invoice.rpt - Main invoice template used when printed a normal invoice. You may want to modify this to show your own details, layout.

2.ContraInvoice.rpt - Main invoice template used when printed a contra invoice. As you will not normall print a invoice with contra changes, normally because it is printed for you. you may not need to edit this template.

3.CreditNote.rpt - Main template used when printing a credit note. You may want to modify this to show your own details, layout.

4.BankStatement - Template used when printing a bank statement, DO NOT MODIFY

5.Movement.rpt - Template used when printing a movement report, DO NOT MODIFY

6.Customer.rpt - Template used when printing a customer details, DO NOT MODIFY

7.Supplier.rpt - Template used when printing supplier details, DO NOT MODIFY

8.FlockRecord.rpt - Template used when printing a sheep flock record, DO NOT MODIFY