FarmIT 3000 - Template

Connecting an EziWeigh 7 To A Workabout Pro Running Windows Mobile 6.1

The Tru-Test EziWeigh 7 (EW7) weigh head has bluetooth connectivity and can easily be connected (paired) to a computer. The following artical details the pairing procedure on a Windows Mobile 6.1 operating system as used on the 'PSion' workabout pro for use with the FarmIT3000, FarmIT Mobile application.

First Ensure that the EW7 is turned on...

On the windows mobile device!

1. Click on the Start Flag in the top left corner to display the main menu.....Select the �Settings�

2. In the settings menu select the �connections� tab....

3. In the connections menu select the Bluetooth option...

4. The Bluetooth menu displays the paired devices and available device to pair. If no devices are paired the paired list will be blank. Select the device tab at the bottom.

5. The device tab will list available devices, if you can not see the EziWeigh listed click the scan button and check that the EW7 is still on...

Click (tap) on the EziWeigh in the list. A menu will pop up select �Pair�..

6. The next screen asks for the pairing code, leave it blank and press

7. The next screen lists the available services. It will only list one the Serial Port.....Tick the box to continue...

8. The serial port settings are then displayed. Change the port from COM0 to COM5 or COM6....Then Click Next..

9. The pairing is complete and the EziWeigh will be listed under paired devices.. Make sure you remember the com port, we need it later to configure the FarmIT Mobile Software...